Tag Archives: #NoFilter


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To say I was struggling to come up with a topic for my next blog post is a bit of an understatement. Usually at this time of year I’d be busy with weddings and would have loads to write about. Not this year though!

Girl smiling

Makeup by Sarah-Lou

So I decided to do a quick Google search to give me some inspiration. I came across lots of different lists of hair and makeup blog ideas, and as I read through them, one particular subject caught my attention….. how to edit makeup pictures. My immediate response to that was ‘well I would never edit my makeup pictures’… So I decided this is what I’d write about – why I don’t edit my makeup pictures!

Nine times out of ten, when I arrive at a client’s house to do their makeup they show me a picture of what they’re looking for. However, nine times out of ten, the picture they show me will have been edited in some way, shape or form.

Girl smiling

Makeup by Sarah-Lou

I do always encourage my clients to show me a picture of styles they like, as it’s a great starting point. But a starting point is all it is for me. I always make sure to let them know I can create a style ‘similar’ to the picture they’re showing me, because what they’re seeing in the picture isn’t real life.

And it’s for this reason that I never edit or filter my makeup pictures. It isn’t real life!

With so many young people following social media these days, it’s never been more important to keep things realistic. Social media is heavily criticised for being a major contributor to poor mental health in young people. Seeing so many airbrushed and filtered pictures can make people really insecure with their own looks and believe they aren’t good enough as they are. We’re often guilty of painting a ‘perfect’ picture on social media, and far too many of us are constantly striving to achieve that ‘perfect’ image.

Girl looking down

Makeup by Sarah-Lou

But social media isn’t all bad. Think how much of a lifeline it’s been to a lot of people during the recent lockdown, myself included. I think it’s also a great way of getting young people interested in makeup in the first place. With so many different accounts to follow with tips and tricks, there’s an abundance of makeup advice out there.

But as a makeup artist, I think it’s my responsibility to keep it real and encourage people to show their natural beauty. And I don’t just mean not wearing any makeup at all (although it’s OK to do that too!). It’s great to get made up, and to wear makeup as bold, colourful or as natural as you like. But don’t edit your pictures…. let people see the real you. We don’t need to photoshop and filter beauty. We’re all beautiful in our own way, and the sooner we realise this, the better.

Makeup by Sarah-Lou

Another reason I will never edit my pictures, is because I think it’s really important that when you’re looking at pictures on my website and social media, you can see what my work is really like. Whether you’re looking for wedding makeup, or makeup for a night out, I want to give you an accurate view of my work so you can make an informed choice. There’s really no point in me pretending to be something I’m not.

I’d love for people, especially young people, to be happy enough with their looks so they don’t feel like they have to filter their pictures all the time. And by keeping my pictures real I can hopefully set an example and encourage people to be comfortable with their looks.

Girl smiling

Makeup by Sarah-Lou

Because in reality, we will never be happy until we’re comfortable in our own skin.